Hilarious… Yet Very Insightful Promotional Video

Here is a promotional video made by a very smart marketing team that I found totally hilarious… and quite insightful when you take a deeper look at the sales tactics that are at play behind the humour.

So what makes it such a powerful promotional video?

Was it the fancy camera they used to film it? NOPE!

Was it the editing program they used to cut the clips? NOPE!

The real secret to the success of this promotional video is…

They showed that they genuinely care about and understand their target market.

That’s the secret.

They didn’t just jump into pitching their idea…

They focused first on making their target audience feel ‘heard’, ‘felt’ and ‘understood’.

This is brilliant marketing…

It shows our target audiences that we genuinely care about them.

This lays the foundation for us to pitch our product as a genuinely valuable solution to their problems…

It is a 3 minute video and it doesn’t even mention the product until 1 minute 26 seconds.

To achieve all of this in this one video they followed a promotional video formula which I explained in detail in this free training (to check it out click the link below and watch the second video on the page).


The goal is not to hide your product or your pitch. But to make your pitch in the context of genuinely wanting to help your customer.

No, we don’t all have big budgets to make expensive promotional videos with multiple professional actors, script writers, directors and all the other random people that stand around on filming sets pretending to be helpful.

However, listening is completely free!

And the promotional video formula I explain in the training above is also free 🙂

I used the formula above to make a promotional video for a client and it successfully increased sales by over 200% in the first week it was posted to the product page.

Before I put pen to paper to write the video script I spent some time talking to existing and prospective customers to discover who they were and how our product could help them.

The video certainly has it’s flaws.  In the video I look and sound like a bit of a dork 😛

But the video worked great for my client… Because we listened to their customers first.

Humour is great… However, humour alone won’t make a sale.

Fancy cameras, editing software and lights are great… But they alone won’t make a sale.

Making our customers feel heard, valued and understood and genuinely showing how our products will help them… That’s how we make sales.

And this promotional video from the folks at Chatbooks is a great example of just that.

I hope you have a great week.

I’m Steve from Mills Motion… Cheering you on!